Multi-Purpose Mobile Baptismal Systems


REBORN MINISTRIES designs, builds, utilizes multi-purpose mobile baptismal systems that are constantly being field tested and updated as we baptize new believers and prodigals through full water submersion with the healing saving power of the Holy Spirit.

Reborn Ministries is pioneering new methods on the front lines of evangelism and cutting trail with our innovative baptismal systems where we are seeing God restoring lives, marriages, and families, giving them hope and a desire to live victorious transformed lives. We are currently raising funds, securing contractors, fabricating innovative mobile baptismal systems as we seek and pursue God’s wisdom and direction for the ministry.


Make it stand out.

The unofficial name of the trailer is “The Transformer”. We are witnessing Jesus Christ supernaturally as His Holy Spirit transforms lives through a compilation of preaching, worship and baptism. With different configurations the transformer functions as a complete multi-purpose mobile baptismal system.

Make it stand out.